Colorado Tech Weekly


When I decided that I wanted to again pursue my dream of being a software developer, I didn’t want to go into it blindly. I wanted to make sure I knew about the Colorado tech industry so that when I had the skills to get a job I knew where I wanted to go. I knew I wouldn’t be the only one interested in this news, so I started Colorado Tech Weekly.

Purpose: The purpose of Colorado Tech Weekly is to allow me to keep tabs on the people, companies and organizations that make up the Colorado tech community. Sharing this information with other people will also give me name recognition so that when I am ready to apply for jobs, my name is already known and trusted. Sharing the news is also  an extra bonus that makes it more fun.

Goal: Feel comfortable with my knowledge of the Colorado tech community. Become a trusted contributor to the Colorado tech community.

Plan: Every Monday morning, post a Colorado Tech Weekly blog post with the top 10 stories of the week as well as the top 10 events for the next week starting on Wednesday and ending on the following Tuesday. Post the same article on with a more entertaining image. Share the article on Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn and on Twitter. Sharing the article on Twitter includes posts that mention who the top news is about, where the top news comes from and who is sponsoring upcoming events.


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