Follow Sweeper · Project Updates · Streamlining Police Officer Paperwork with Word and Visual Basic

My Latest Projects: Follow Sweeper and Fixing Police Paperwork with VB

Well my winter break from school work is coming to a close. Monday I start my “Advanced Algorithms” and “Ethics in IT” courses through Regis University’s College of Computer Science and Information Sciences online program. My goal has always been to work on projects when I have a break from school work and I’m excited… Continue reading My Latest Projects: Follow Sweeper and Fixing Police Paperwork with VB

Dev News Weekly

Dev News Weekly #3: All the big names doing all the big things

Dev News Weekly is designed to give you (and me) 10 useful software/web developer stories every Tuesday morning! Satya Nadella laid out his vision for Microsoft this week. I like “productivity and platform” over “software and services”. “Software and services” sounds like “stuff and junk” just without the cool alliteration. Apple showed transparency with Swift.… Continue reading Dev News Weekly #3: All the big names doing all the big things

Dev News Weekly

Dev News Weekly #2: Where typos break code and Microsoft does evreything

Dev News Weekly is designed to give you (and me) 10 useful software/web developer stories every Tuesday morning! Did you notice my typo in my headline? I bet you did. It was on purpose, I promise. This week, Google told us that the top reason code doesn’t compile is typos. Telling programmers that typos cause… Continue reading Dev News Weekly #2: Where typos break code and Microsoft does evreything

Colorado Tech Weekly

Colorado Tech Weekly #30: Marijuana? CES? Drones? Colorado has a little bit of everything

Colorado Tech Weekly brings you the top 10  technology stories of the past week and the best upcoming local events every Monday morning! It’s the first Monday of the new year, which means it’s back-to-work time. With Christmas and New Years Day being in the middle of the week, I can understand if you’re finding… Continue reading Colorado Tech Weekly #30: Marijuana? CES? Drones? Colorado has a little bit of everything

Colorado Tech Weekly

Colorado Tech Weekly #22: Thank you from a veteran

Colorado Tech Weekly brings you the top 10  technology stories of the past week and the best upcoming local events every Monday morning!  If you know a veteran, you will probably tell them “Thank you for your service” today because you’re awesome and they will probably mutter a “You’re welcome” in a way that says “It was no… Continue reading Colorado Tech Weekly #22: Thank you from a veteran