Colorado Tech Weekly

Colorado Tech Weekly #80: Reviewing my predictions for 2014, 1 event and business

Colorado Tech Weekly brings you the top 10  technology stories of the past week and the best upcoming local tech events every Monday morning! Christmas is in 3 days. That thought didn’t quite hit me until I just typed it. I should start wrapping presents. At least I have them all purchased. Since this is… Continue reading Colorado Tech Weekly #80: Reviewing my predictions for 2014, 1 event and business

Colorado Tech Weekly

Colorado Tech Weekly #70: The spirit of cooperation stays true

Colorado Tech Weekly brings you the top 10  technology stories of the past week and the best upcoming local tech events every Monday morning! If you have spent any time in the business networking world (networking with people, not machines), you’ve seen dishonest enthusiasm. You’ve seen the mouth-only smiles, heard the distracted golf claps and… Continue reading Colorado Tech Weekly #70: The spirit of cooperation stays true

Colorado Tech Weekly

Colorado Tech Weekly #69: Expansion in Colorado Springs, finding things in Steamboat and Colorado has the best ‘Outside’ companies

Colorado Tech Weekly brings you the top 10  technology stories of the past week and the best upcoming local tech events every Monday morning! Would it surprise you to learn that over 1/10th of the companies listed on Outside’s ‘100 Best Places to Work’ were Colorado tech companies? It didn’t surprise me either, but it’s… Continue reading Colorado Tech Weekly #69: Expansion in Colorado Springs, finding things in Steamboat and Colorado has the best ‘Outside’ companies

Colorado Tech Weekly

Colorado Tech Weekly #22: Thank you from a veteran

Colorado Tech Weekly brings you the top 10  technology stories of the past week and the best upcoming local events every Monday morning!  If you know a veteran, you will probably tell them “Thank you for your service” today because you’re awesome and they will probably mutter a “You’re welcome” in a way that says “It was no… Continue reading Colorado Tech Weekly #22: Thank you from a veteran